
By BethAndCo

I don't want to sleep, Mommy xx

Although Eva ended up sleeping through til gone 8am this morning, she was very unsettled yesterday evening when I put her to bed. She would go off to sleep, then around half an hour or so later, wake up screaming crying. Each time I'd go up to her and settle her back off to sleep, within half an hour or so, she'd wake up screaming crying again. She didn't get much sleep at nursery yesterday and I think it's a knock on of that, combined with her teething at the moment, that the same has happened today and tonight.

Again she only had about 40 minutes sleep this afternoon. I went up to her several times and she literally fell straight back to sleep in my arms clinging onto me, but each time I lay her back into her cot, she would wake straight up screaming again. In the end I brought her downstairs to snuggle on my lap with a blanket, snuggle bear and num nums, but she didn't want to know once we got downstairs. In the end I fed her to sleep on my lap and nodded off myself, but only for about 15 minutes. She's been the same this evening, waking up screaming crying about 3 times so far (it's now 10.45pm) each time I've ended up taking her into our room to give her a little more milk and cuddles and she's gone back off, so I've carried her back to bed. Her cheeks are quite pink, but she can't have any more calpol til after 11, and she's had teething powders. Again, she hasn't eaten much today so she can have as much milk as she likes. I can't see any teeth but I think it's safe to say, at least one is on it's way.

My dad came round this afternoon for a bit. He saw Eva trying to pull herself up to the coffee table too. She didn't manage it, but she looks very close to doing it. I just held on tight to the table at the other side in case it tipped.

Although Eva's been struggling to settle at nap and bedtime, when she's been up she's been fine within herself, despite the pink cheeks. We had lots more of her dancing today, which is basically her bobbing up and down to anything that resembles music. Just some examples today were her dancing to her daddy playing Bop It again and him and my dad playing with some of her percussion instruments, she 'bobbed' to the rhythm, just so so cute. Today's pic is a perfect example of a happy babba girl playing with her toys. It was just a different story at sleepy time Xxx

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