
By BethAndCo

A Sunday at home xx

Eva again was very unsettled at bedtime last night, where she'd sleep a short while then wake up screaming crying. She eventually went back down at 11pm and then ended up sleeping through the night til gone 8am again. It's bizarre really. I wish I could work it out, but hey ho.

Had a lovely day at home today which consisted of lots of playing, reading books and cuddles, of course. Eva's nap lasted about an hour today, so still not as long as she had been having, but longer than the previous 2 days 40 minute naps. Despite her quite rosy cheeks throughout the day, Eva was also in good spirits considering I think her teeth must have been hurting her. The only really big clinginess I saw was when my sister and Lorna came round, Eva literally clung to me and screamed the place down crying when I went to go and make drinks. After a while of my sister making her laugh and playing Peepo with her, she came around, but she's definitely having a lot of extremely clingy, cuddly moments with me lately.

Eva's been off her food the last few days too, again probably down to her teeth. So at dinner I just put all the bits to the roast chicken dinner out on her highchair tray bit by bit, and let her help herself. As usual she wolfed down all of the sweetcorn, she did eat bits of the other stuff, but she made up for it with how much milk she's drank this afternoon and evening. She also had a little picnic sat on the carpet this afternoon of breadsticks and raisins, which I'd put in the little carriage of her toy train for her to help herself. She munched the lot down.

Love today's pic of her playing in the laundry basket. Those clothes got well and truly strewn about lol.

Mike gave her her bath and got her ready for bed tonight, then she gulped down a load more milk and was spark out. I've been up once more since to give her more milk and she's so far stayed asleep, despite her cheeks being very red by bedtime. She's had calpol and a teething powder so will just see how she goes.

It's my first day back at work tomorrow after over a year off on maternity leave, and also Eva's first full day at nursery. I hope and pray she will be ok and not cry too much, as she really isn't herself at the moment. The thought of her being somewhere strange and being upset without me makes me so so sad. I know it's normal life and we all have to do it, but doesn't mean it's easy. Far from it xxx

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