
By BethAndCo

Eva's very first full day at nursery..... Xxx

I'd set the alarm for 7am, as I wanted to be up and ready myself before waking Eva to get her ready for her very first full day at nursery. I wanted her to be there by 8.30 am, so she could have her breakfast with the other babies. I went into her at 7.50am, and she was actually just stirring. I got her washed and dressed, then brought her into our room for her morning milk. She'd actually been awake from 3.30am til about 4.45am, so had had a load of milk then, and didn't want anymore just yet, so off we set to nursery.

As I was putting on her coat and getting her bag ready, I was chatting to her, telling her she was going to nursery to see the babies and play with all the toys and that she was going to have a lovely time. When we arrived, I got her out of the car and just held her for ages before walking in, telling her that she doesn't have to worry, that Mommy is coming back for her later etc etc. Obviously she didn't have a clue what I was talking about, it was all for my own benefit. My stomach was doing somersaults.

She was actually a lot better when we walked into the baby room today and didn't start crying straight away. She even held her little arms out for Debbie to take her from me when Debbie went to pick her up. She did start to cry a little, so I said "bye bye, sweetheart" and quickly walked out of the room. I made the mistake of standing outside the door to listen. She hadn't been too bad really as I was walking out, but within seconds of me standing outside the door (she couldn't see me), she started to get quite upset. I had to leave by this point, as the tears started to well in my own eyes. I felt so bad walking away, but knew it had to be done.

My first day back at work was actually quite non eventful, as I couldn't log on to my laptop. I ended up driving to Walsall to meet Dean to give it to him to take to head office with him, when he goes tomorrow, to get sorted. I hadn't seen him since before I started mat leave, so was great to see him and have a good catch up about some of the goings on since I'd been off.

I got back and rang the nursery around 3.30 to get an update from Debbie on how Eva was doing. She was actually sat on Debbie's lap as I was speaking to her, where she'd been sat most of the day so far. Debbie gave me the update on her day up to that point, and said Eva had generally been totally fine considering it was her first full day. I did speak to Eva too down the phone, but Debbie said she was just pushing the phone away. Not sure if she didn't know it was me, or she did, and was in protest for leaving her.

I then got shepherds pie prepared and in the oven for dinner, and went out to get Eva at around 5.30pm. Oh my god, I was so excited.

She was so happy to see me and literally clung onto me as I stood chatting to Mandy (the room manager) about her day.

This is the book entry they did for Eva, they do one every day and it's so lovely....

Date: 6/1/14
Key Worker: Debbie
Parent Comments: Well done Eva on your first full day (and a well done sticker)
Breakfast: Ready Brek (didn't eat any) Toast (ate some)
Snack : Breadsticks and raisins (ate a little)
Lunch : Macaroni Cheese followed by yoghurt (ate all)
Tea : Cucumber and Chicken Wraps (ate some)
Bottles : After lunch/before sleep - 2oz
3pm - Drank all (5 and 1/2 oz)
Sleep : 12.15 - 12.45
Nappies : 10am (w) 12pm (ch) 1.30pm (s) 4pm (w)
Activities : Eva enjoyed a little walk to Becketts in the choo choo wagon. Eva has pressed the buttons on the toy garage to listen to the sounds.
Key Worker Comment : Some lovely smiles off Eva :-)

I absolutely loved reading this so will look forward to these every day.

I'd done shepherds pie for tea, and although Eva seems to have eaten a fair bit at nursery, I did her some too. As usual, she picked out the sweetcorn to eat first, but then did go back for some of the other bits, even the tiniest little pieces of onion, she was determined to pick up. I couldn't decide which of the 4 photos to use for today's pic, so decided to use all 4. I love them. I love her little hands clasped together, so cute, and her lovely smiles.

I gave her her bath whilst Mike cleared dinner away, then gave her a huge milk feed and we had lovely cuddles before I carried her into her cot completely zonked from her action packed very first day at nursery.

Am feeling a lot happier and relaxed about tomorrow now, as I would definitely consider today a success. Xxxx

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