Late blip

Sorry grandma, was doing school work whilst daddy out and Charlotte asleep.

Busy ish day. Munchie woke around 2am, very unsettled, needing cuddle therapy.
I was bit zombiefied this morning but as daddy technically at work (even though at home) I got up with them. Breakfast etc then persuaded Charlotte to have a doze as we were off to swimming.

She loved swimming, doing really well.
Meltdown resulting in all of us having cuddles on the bed before she was happy to go to sleep.

Post office visited to post parcels / all but two things from my recent eBay selling sold. Washing done, poor washing machine and tumble drier are probably both worn out after today!

Visit to shops to buy Charlotte new pajamas, she had just grown out of her 12-18 month ones. Took the morrisons vouchers with me on off chance they might have some nice ones, which they did, so free!

Eyebrows done

Spent since eight working but piles done and little remaining!

Hospital tomorrow, leaving Charlotte with grandma.

Today's blips are
Charlotte with daddy snapping wood
Charlotte riding her Gruffalo trunki (because everyone needs a Gruffalo trunki in their lives!)

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