
By socal1984


This morning. Cleared quickly on the drive up to irvine.

Spent majority of today at the spectrum shopping mall. Firstly at another corner house bakery with the rep we met yesterday. Was nice to have done one on one time with him as girl I've been buddying with went to one of her sites all morning. Chatted about leverage (buzzword) of our company over the competition. Then chatted to another specialist - production chemicals and his viewpoint on how we can do more than others for our customer.

For lunch we met with out direct manager and assembled team before breaking off with just us two newbies and her focussing more on sales skills and techniques. The ACE selling system, end in mind goals, yellow lights and stuff like how no question you should ask should be able to be answered in a yes/no fashion. Got told a couple of books on sales that we should buy and read also. Have been set task to identify 5 opportunities for each site with end in mind goals and target the suppliers who can help achieve this at the upcoming conference - talk to them and find what products will work.

Back home to spend over an hour with it services as they took control of my laptop remotely to try and install and setup VPN software which should have been pre installed before I received it. They couldn't do it so it's an ongoing saga.....

On site locally tomorrow.

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