
Daddy headed off to work at silly o clock this morning having not got home till just before midnight last night!

Charlotte awoke around 6:45 and we chilled in bed with the iPad until breakfast, as I had a hospital appointment to head off to and grandma was looking after Charlotte I was determined she was to have an hours sleep before I left. Luckily this went according to plan.

By the sound of it they both had great fun and upon my return were happily eating their lunches!

Charlotte was tired from about 1pm but refused another sleep / doze / cat nap. Suddenly deciding around 3:15 that I was going to take her in a walk. She appeared with her wellies on, cardi and coat sort of on and hat in her hand, dragged me to the door and said wellies / coat / hat at me and off we went.

We couldn't get very far due to flooding but she throughly enjoyed all the puddles and the long wavy grass, even better was seeing the six tame geese that one of the neighbours had, allowing us to go in and pet them.

Daddy home, lots of cuddles and play. I fell asleep during Sarah and duck on the iPad, to be woken by daddy some hour later telling me tea was cooked and Charlotte had fallen straight to sleep!

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