
On fire again.....
Right I have to share this story of what hapened to me today
You remember the posh fur coated lady in the butchers yesterday
Weeeeeeel today we went to the bed shop to look at mattresses
after that we popped to the garden centre for a cuppa and one of
my 5 a day...chocolate...well it's from a bean innit... As we parked
up I noticed the very same Fur coated lady stood next to her
shiney black range rover...baring in mind we are now over 20 miles
from the butcher... Anyhoo I got a guilty pang from laughing at
what she said...SO I went over to her and said I was in the butchers
yesterday when you mentioned the well hung thingy , I would just
like to say Im sorry for laughing but it wasn't at you it was how and
what you said.....Your not going to believe what happened next my
blippery friends...She was smoking a fag with a fag holder which
looked like gold with tiny sparkly diamonds, she blew out the smoke
threw the fag down stubbed it out with her very shiney expensive
looking black shoes with diamondy studs and said....wait for it........
.....In a loud broad as ya like cockney accent.........................
Then she got in her car wound the window down threw back her head
and laughed her head off at the sight of me stood there opened mouthed
and whizzed off........... I could not believe what had just happened it was
surreal... I burst out laughing and had to dash to the loo in the garden
centre HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The best laugh yet... & the moral of
this story is.....Never believe a wifey in a long real fur coat every again LOL

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