Busy As A Beaver

I've been fairly busy today. First bootcamp, home to ironing....yes I'm still at it. Then off to run with my lovely friend Justine. We had a good run today and she did her best time for 3 miles. She has had her hair dyed again and it looks fab. Red with purple ends. I love it. Had coffee and a bite to eat and I still managed to be good.

Then home to even more ironing. Not for too long as I had an appointment for my nails to be done. That was lovely because I was pampered for a while.

Home to more ironing. Then off to work.

A little girl in my class brought this little beaver with her as she is looking after him for a week. She has to take him with her everywhere she goes. We decided it would be nice for me to have a photo of him to keep so I didn't forget him :). His name is Bernard. As I've been as busy as a beaver today I decided to blip him.....it beats blipping the flaming ironing board I've been working on for the best part of this week.....and when I've finished blipping I've got more flipping ironing to do!

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