Getting low

I met up with a friend that I flatted with many years ago, and we had morning tea at a new cafe that had opened up in Richmond. It was nice to relax and catch up on each other's news.

After morning tea we headed out to Brightwater and met my in-laws and sister in law and her family who had come over from Golden Bay to watch her son play cricket at the local domain. First we all had to have lunch at another newly opened café, which had the most beautiful food. I've made a mental note that we must re-visit on another trip to Nelson.

After lunch we watch my nephew play cricket. I took this photo, and although my nephew wasn't in the photo, I love the fella down low, getting ready to catch the ball. I hope he didn't split his pants!

After taking a few photos of the cricket, we headed home, wishing that we had had more time to stay another night in Nelson. But no, we had to get home, as Farmerboy's elderly aunty had had a bad fall, and was in hospital not very well at all. Immediately arriving back in Murchison, we visited the hospital, where we spent the next hour and a half.

Home to have tea, and then it was out to milk. Life is busy!

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