Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

The 3rd Bridge

After a .....ahem..... "very busy night shift", I decided that a stop off beside the Forth Bridge and a record of the start of the new Forth Bridge - which will be called The Queensferry Crossing" was in order.

The bridge has been under construction for quite sometime now..but there is not a lot to show above the water line apart from the construction cranes, tops of the bases, barges etc.....but in order for the bridge to stand tall and withstand the wind, waves, storms, traffic etc, these bases have to be secured firmly to the bed rock beneath the river...and only once that is in place can the "Stuff that we all can see" begin to be built and grow ever upward to the sky above.

The foundation has to be secure in order to the structure to stand and if that foundation has no substance then the bridge will, in time, collapse.

The same can be said of our lives...if we build our lives on a solid foundation, then like the bridge, we will withstand "storms" that come our way, but if our lives are built just on "sand" then one day...things will come crashing down.... I'm sure I have read that somewhere before!!

Anyhow have a great weekend whatever you are doing...and once the bridge starts to take more shape, more blips of its construction and growth will be taken.

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