My Best Efforts - Year 3


Update .........

........ BikerBear - aka Anni - here ..... reporting for Alma;

........ while Mum is in hospital I have decided to carry on her journal for her by taking a daily photograph of her last year's same-date entry from my computer screen (in the spirit of blip a photo from the current day) and publishing it here with updates ..... if she is going to be there for any length of time I will take her camera in for her.

Had a call from the hospital this morning to say she fell early this morning while trying to get across the room - the reason that she has gone in to hospital is that she has no sense of feeling in her right leg therefore it will not support her weight (she described it as though her whole leg had "gone to sleep") ...... being stubborn and independent she thought she could manage to get across the room unaided ..... well, we all know what thought did!!!!!
I suspect she got a bit of a telling-off!!

The "bone doctor" has been to see her this morning and she is booked in for an MRI scan (seems they "don't do them on the weekend" - whatever!!) tomorrow or Tuesday .... she has yet to see the 'Medical doctor' ......

You will know more when I know more - thank you so much for all your well wishes ..... I know she will be very touched to see that you care so much.

Blip is a lovely place.

~ Anni ~

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