This Big Fat Frozen Leafy Jelly Brain ...

…was probably my favourite of today's finds. The fungus foray I was leading went well - the weather was icy but quite bright to start with, so, better than forecast and we had a turnout of over a dozen. There were quite a lot of jelly or brain fungi - including this one. As it is Sunday, we should give it its Sunday name Tremella foliacea. All the fungi we found were frozen solid, so many of the soft-fleshed ones will no doubt collapse once they thaw, so we saw them in the nick of time.
This is my 1095th consecutive Blip, which means I have slightly overrun my 365 project. It seems such a long time since I blipped those three goosanders on the River Don and began this Blip journey. Very occasionally it seems like a chore, but most of the time, it is the scaffolding that holds my life together. Where would I be without it?

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