Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


These look like normal pants to me, but are apparently "Brazilian". My friend is going to Brazil in a few days for a few months so i thought these were a good going away present, especially since when I was going to Tokyo when she was there she asked me to bring her pants. Apparently there are some things that are more comfy when bought in Scotland. I can't remember what the problem with Japanese pants were.

I do remember though thinking it was hilarious you could buy pants out of one of the machines where you get a wee plastic egg thing you twist open. You know, the ones where you put your penny in and twist the lever and the egg comes out? Anyway it turned out that what was inside wasn't really pants like we thought but a plastic pant shaped decoration for your phone. Odder than pants I think!

Unfortunately though after I bought them she updated her Facebook status sayinh she was giving up wearing pants. I've not asked why yet. Hopefully these will change her mind.
See ya soon Misha x

*for any Americans or others unsure- pants are underwear to me. I know they are trousers to some.

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