Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Birthday dinner

Woke up early and while J was working I went down to Arrow Valley Lake for a run. First run in the new trainers. Managed to get around the lake twice doing just over 5K in just under 30 mins. Happy with that.
Came home for a shower and spent the morning catching up with Mum.
After lunch we headed over to Flip Top to meet her brother. We unloaded half Anthropology out of the car and within 5 minutes of being in the house she had me hovering it. How did that happen?
After J finished her work we headed into Brum for a few drinks and to meet some of her other friend that will be coming to Finland with us. Had a few beers in Brewdog and then went to Strada to meet the rest for my birthday dinner with them.
Had a great night and it was good to catch up with everyone.
Headed home and Chemo girl gave us a bottle of 17 year old Hibiki whisky she had her brother get for us. Fantastic present.
Spent the rest of the night trying it with a few other whiskies before calling it a night around 2am.

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