
By Angelique


Monday, nearly over, and I'm relieved. The weather has not been very kind today. Arrived at work, slightly late in the dry but by mid morning it was very cold and miserable.

I did some computer work after lunch, went to the local Post Office with a parcel and when I got back it was dry. So quickly rounded up Phoebe before she could hide under the bed, and we set off to the top again by the beacon. As soon as we arrived, guess what? Yep, it rained again. Took two photos very quickly but sadly the other one had rain drops on it.

So this is it for today. It was taken at precisely 16.30 and at least its now staying lighter. The bulbs are well and truly up out of the ground and yet I've still got the remnants of geraniums and fushcias at the front in pots.

Nearly caught a good blip of a Goldcrest. Its a very small bird, about wren size, and it was eating seeds off the very large fir tree by the office window. My new camera was in the car, so although I got a capture with my smaller Nikon, it wasn't clear enough to blip, sadly.

But I will keep an eye out for it again. Couldn't hang about 'cos Sir was in the office and there's only so much time I can spend not working!

Looking forward to the village Barn Dance on Saturday. Probably the best event we hold and always a great laugh. The only time you see people from here, and they have to be sociable as you pass them by when doing a jig. Its quite a hoot!

Hope your Monday has passed without crisis. Stay warm in these cold days ahead. I always find January the worst month and will be glad when it's over for another year.

Get your fur coats ready for the February snow.
Much love to you all and thank you for 'dropping in' for a chat:)) x

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