Because this is who I am

By Brighde

These arms of mine

This ws my final product for the body project in Ceramics, We've had to take photos of them all in a studio set up so they look professional for our portfolios. Which is massively stressful and I don't advise to anyone to make one or even try to because it's expensive and mentally draining.

Yesterday I was told I had a Glass and Ceramic interview at Sunderland University for the 30th of January. That's a week today and I haven't even bought a folder let alone got all my pictures done. As well as that my tutor, David, has been off for a few days, bless him, but we've struggled trying to complete things and getting things glazed. Ceramics takes a long time to process.

So basically I'm stressing out completely about everything and everyone and I need to calm down. I'm getting weighed tonight which is awful because my week, diet wise, has been atrocious.

Happy Blipping

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