Musical Chairs

Strange how history & nations are so interlinked. I think it's also called "Going to Jerusalem" in English but it is only known as this in Germany "Reise nach Jerusalem" connecting it to the crusades as in one of he UK's oldest pubs, "Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem" in Nottingham.

I guess it won't be too long before the dogs arrange their own walks using iPaws. For the moment they still need us and so a repeat of yesterday in Ottobeuren, meeting up with Esme. The overnight sprinkling of snow stayed put on grass areas. No more due at least this week. Ice covering the fish pond is even threatening to melt at the edges, so the cats & dogs need to be careful when crossing it - It has been frozen solid since November.

Otherwise boring day - Angie's finger better, this evening she tried using the keyboard. I hope the recipient of the email can read it as it took a bit of effort. It is still painful if it comes in to contact with anything. So I guess the dogs will have to put up with people walks for a while. The horses could do with the excercise as we have had to keep them on the concrete paddock, the fields full of standing water.

Wednesday done & polished........... have a good downhill run towards the weekend.

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