Sammy and Archie

What a horrible day!  Wet and seriously windy and missed any chances when the sun did make quick appearance now and again.  Looking like it's going to be wild for the next few days too!

A day of working with glass negatives.  I often wonder when they were viewed last and am I the first to see them in however many years :)

Well no weather for outdoors photos today!  I did try and take a few photos of the Viking galley I made yesterday but they didn't come out how I was wanting and will try again.  So instead you'll just have to view a photo of Sammy dog and Archie cat :)  It's rare to get a photo of them together and I'm left wondering what they're looking at, hope it's not a mouse!!  I had mice in a previous house and Archie soon cleared them out :)  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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