Double Shot Mummy


Sleep Tight Baby

She was exhausted today. We had a busy afternoon and Maple's highlight was definitely playing huts under the table with Oscar and Bailee. We draped a huge sheet over it and lay underneath with blankets and pillows. She was just ecstatic coming in and out, shrieking with laughter.

I think Maple is walking less pigeon toed. She is definitely not tripping over as much so hopefully her Femoral Anteversion (Hips turning inwards), will resolve on its own in good time.

Still waiting for Stu to get home from Oman. The flight landed 27km away at Sharjah airport due to bad traffic in Dubai..... he may as well just drive the plane here.

Bailee's 'good thing' for the jar was, (Husky whisper in my ear); "Daddy is taking me to golf in the weekend!"

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