
By BethAndCo

I need cuddles, Mom xxxx

Eva slept straight through again! She's not getting much sleep during the day at nursery, so is absolutely shattered by the time she comes home. Tonight when I collected her, I didn't even bother trying to sit her in her highchair and do tea. I just cuddled her for ages, then Mike took her up for her bath, while I prepared our dinner (chicken fajitas), then I went up to give her her milk and put her to bed. She was absolutely spark out by about 7.15pm. And didn't even stir all evening.

Her Daily Diary entry from nursery today...

Date: 15/1/14
Key worker: Debbie
Breakfast: Toast (ate some)
Snack: Banana and raisins (ate all)
Lunch: Chicken curry and rice followed by a yoghurt (ate all)
Tea: Cucumber and Ham sandwiches (ate some)
Bottles: after lunch 2oz then after tea 5oz
Sleep: 12.10-12.40 then 2.30-3.00
Nappies: 10 (w) 12 (w) 2 (s) 4 (w)
Activities: Eva had a trip to Becketts in the choo choo wagon. Eva was smiling and looking at the cars.

They told me when I went to collect Eva, that while she was sat in the choo choo wagon, she was holding Iggle Piggle over the side as they walked along, but that she didn't let him go or drop him once, but he did get a bit dirty. She loves Iggle Piggle. Xxx

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