
By MamaOfBoys

Best day of summer

It was hot first thing in the morning.

I was planning on going with my best friend bex and her son Jake to the gondola but Met service forecast was for gusty winds and heavy rain so it wasn't ideal to go up the side of a hill In a little chamber attached to a wire rope in that kind of weather.

My mum came in the morning and we went to the pet shop for a look around then headed to a cafe. My mum's always helping so I thought instead of coming to help with boys and housework we'd go out to cafe. Kanye started to lose it, he wasn't coping so we went home.

Bex came over, we had lunch then we all jumped on the bus to town. We walked around the museum, the kids had a play in the discovery part for a bit. Kanye started getting upset and shouting, he wasn't coping anymore. By then it was 4, Andre had finished work and instead of the foul weather we were supposed to get it was 30 degrees.

Andre came and got us all and we went home.

We had an easy salad type dinner and even though I posted a picture of Harper yesterday I had to post this one of him with his first taste of watermelon. Beautiful.

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