Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Friday morning sunshine

Crazy day at work today! So much to do, so many people needing help and so few volunteers… On such days I want to clone myself into 5 people… And while helping people out you see people you know and there's hello's and some 'how are you' smalltalk going on at the same time. Strangely I'd thought about a man yesterday that I hadn't seen for a while and he came in today! That was really nice! He was fine, so that was good to hear.
After 3 hours in a row, just teaching, teaching, teaching I needed a break so I went to my friends and sat down for a while. They also had questions so I helped out there too. But, it's more of a break with them because we have a lot of fun.
Then my heart broke in to a million pieces… and I honestly haven't recovered yet…
One of my friends showed my other friend and me a photo from Syria. It was a small child sleeping on a blanket between its parents graves… The photo was so heartbreaking and I just feel the need to DO something!!!

You have
within you
more love than
you could ever


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