Sunshine pulled me out of the house today, cold improving so some fresh air was required. I took a stroll to the main street of the old village, posted a few letters, booked Hubs in for his biannual hairdo and met a very chatty, unkempt, sweet tempered, old man. No teeth, shiny hat, broken veined nose, rusty bike and vocabulary from a different era. I know all about his operation, where he lives, gets his hair cut...........We shook hands and parted, eventually, I'm sure we'll meet again and I'll be happy to, he's got a story or two there to tell.
This is the pedestrian entrance to the eco village, looking out across the project. Our house is a white, semi in the middle of the pic, with a tree growing out the top of it. Very boring to look at, but oh so warm and cosy to live in (we keep going back to our summer quilt - too hot at night) :0)

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