Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Messages to the Minister: Cameron comes to Norwich

David Cameron was in Norwich and the surrounding area today so the good citizens of our fair city thought it only right and proper to give him a proper Norwich welcome.

You can see one of them, a disability rights activist, in this photo requesting of the copper that Cameron be arrested for crimes against humanity. I don't think she had a clue what he was talking about although he seemed perfectly clear and lucid to me.

You know what? I love this photo. The interaction, the look, the feel, the everything. To me it says so much. It shouts! And that is what I want my photos of demos to do.

Full set of photos are here.

Oh, and here's a date for your diaries if you feel so inclined. On the 19th February there is a national day of action against ATOS (the criminals who carry out the assessments on behalf of the criminals in Westminster to ascertain whether or not a person is fit for work). Google ATOS Day of Action and you may see what's going on in your area.

Here in Norwich there will be a protest outside the inaccessible-for-wheelchair-users ATOS offices at St Mary's House on Duke Street from 8am until, I believe, 5pm. Just thought I'd mention it.

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