A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Pyjama time

Had a 16 year old boy make me feel like utter rubbish today. its not good for the soul.

However, that aside, it was a productive day.

Does anyone know anyone who works at the BBC...I really need to track down an archive programme from 1979 for something at school - am having a nightmare trying to find it (can't say on here in case beady eyes are watching - its all part of a cunning plan!)

Been to the gym for the first time in 5 weeks - one of the instructors has set me two new workouts, specifically designed to get my fitness back up but without causing undue stress following the procedure that laid me up in the first place!

Home, showered, put merits and sanctions onto behaviour management system, did my nails and now I am going to bed.

Can't beat snuggly pyjamas. Yes I know they are spongebob jammys. And yeah - I also know I am 36. But they have glow in the dark eyes. How could I NOT have them?!?!

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