A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


don't I look like my mum!

This is in response to comments from Mummy dearest and Aunty Val who seem to like saying "Gosh...she's looking more like me the older she gets".

So, to prove the point.

There is another photo which looks like Mum's head floating around in the office.

Now Mum's head is pinned to the office door with a little post-it note that says "I'm watching you". Its like being a kid again! Maybe I should do some of me and post them around my classroom just to terrify the kids?!?!?!

Great day - my Year 10's are suddenly making loads of progress - I think they are going to make the deadline for their coursework on friday - one student has already and he's achieved a Distinction and he's mega proud of himself (he even got a round of applause from the rest of the group and that seems to have spurred the rest of them on too!). Lovely when that happens.

Two more days, then half term and off to London to see my little bro.

Tomorrow is James' parents evening and then I have to bake a batch of ginger hollows to take for Chris.

Sorry mum!!!

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