A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

There's gonna be fireworks

Stuff going on at work....


James' parent's evening was great - he's settled in really well, his teacher is wonderful and clearly understands James' strengths and the things he needs to do to progress. Apparently he LOVEs singing and despite the fact that some of the other boys in his class clearly don't like singing, James throws himself into any singing activities with gusto apparently and clearly enjoys himself. It was also good to see a good amount of marking and clear written targets for him, and lots of praise, merit stamps and stickers...something I felt was lacking last year (from his teacher who would never ever give me an objective statement about what level james was working at - not even on his end of year report!)

Just downloading the Twilight film score for my iPod.

Baked biscuits - they're not ginger hollows - they're ginger flats - wrong sugar...but they are very nice even so. Might have to bake some whilst down there!

Night night

Oh yeah...its not fireworks...can you guess what it is?!

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