
By LynnH

Chilling out

Moss has reclaimed his favourate place! Watching for birds out of the upstairs window while I am on the computer.

I've escaped the office to work at home and Forrest is out for tne day with my daughter so Moss and I are both having chill out time- me from the boss, moss from forrest!

Haven't done much work yet. I just found out I don't need to pay a bill I've been saving for, so have just blown the money on:

Bedroom furniture, have been using wicker boxes and a hanging rail since I moved here.

Tickets to see Paul Weller in Dalby forest in June, no idea who I'll take yet......

And the most exciting thing that I have wanted for over 30 years - an old fashioned piano. Its being delivered on sunday and I am so excited. I had lessons from the age of 4 until I got married at 19. I did all the exams and it was my passion. Sadly my ex husband hated it, so, as you do, I gave it up. I really don't have the room for it here, but a chair can go, I couldn't say no when I was offered idea what the dogs will think of it!

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