Our adventures of Morph

Having watched a number of Morph 'shorts' on Youtube with Jimbo this morning (along with more Purple and Brown - see links from yesterday), imagine my delight when I went to the shop to buy some paint and canvases and stumbled across an aisle full of plasticine AND a "Make your own Morph" kit with DVD containing 15 episodes of the little plasticine dude.

SO I have sat for an hour and a half, watching TV and trying to make him. Difficult without the right tools - had to resort to using a cuticle stick. He is not the magnificently smooth specimin seen in the Aardman cartoons, but I am pleased with him for a first attempt.

Morph's Adventures:
Morph decided that some extreme skateboarding was in order. He put on his magic wizard hat and took his board out to the bench seat, knowing that the arm would make an awesome ramp.
However, it just didn't feel 'right' - something was missing. He nipped back in, and returned shortly afterwards with his ZZ Top beard. All was well, and Morph went for the jump of his life. Look Ma. no hands.
After the mega adrenaline rush. Morph was thrilled to find that some kind soul had left him an exceptionally large mug of tea. He removed his beard to make sure it didn't get in the way.
It took some lifting, but eventually he managed it, and afterwards, with the adrenaline wearing off, he just had to sit down and take five.

Yes, it would appear that I have lost 'it'. Whatever 'it' is.

Thanks for comments on yesterday's blip - after the fact of course I have come up with many witty responses that I could have used, but all too late in the day. Nevermind.

Oh yeah, how bloody difficult is it to understand the request "No mayonnaise please?".

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