What a Pleasance evening...

I didn't go to my running club tonight. Naughty Susan. I had what I thought was a better offer! A better offer involving free Edinburgh Festival tickets!

I ran home from work to compensate and ran a new route. I did a minimum of 7 miles. I say minimum because at one point I looked at my Garmin and the timer wasn't going - I have no idea how long it'd been stopped for. As it was a new route and I didn't look at exactly what time I started, I have no idea how much further I ran. When I got home I had 7 miles on the Garmin so it was definitely more than that - I'll maybe map it later and see - doubt it'll be too much more though!

Otherwise the run was quite good, except that it's now been 2 runs in 2 days I've twisted my right ankle running. Both times I've kept going but it was more sore tonight. I don't want to contemplate the damage I could do if it keeps on happening. Does anyone know of any ankle strengthening exercises?

Anyway, I then quickly showered and headed up to Assembly at Roxburgh Place. I'd been invited to a focus group about the Pleasance Venue at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. In return for just over an hour of my time, which I have to say was pretty fun, they're going to send me a voucher for 2 free tickets to a show of my choice at the Pleasance during the 2014 festival. Result!

This was a view of the lighting in the Assembly Roxy Venue as I was leaving the focus group.

I have to say, I felt very sorry for the researcher - he had 2 focus groups tonight - for the first only 4 out of 17 people showed up. For the second, he only recruited 4, but at least we all turned up! Turns out you can't give free tickets away - well you can to this girl! I think we all know I'd do just about anything for free tickets!

Today's run: 7 miles
January running mileage: 60 miles

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