Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise always reminds me of Grammie Teele.

She was 41 when she gave birth to my dad, her only child, and never dreamed she'd live long enough to see grandkids. She did and even lived long enough to see and hold both of my children.

When I was a youngster and my mom and dad were getting a divorce, Grammie Teele provided the glue that held my world together

Fortunately, while Mom and Dad were mending their separate lives, my sis and I spent lots of time with Grammie and Grandpa. They were the definition of old in the best sense of the word. They were quiet, humble, observant, thrifty, holy, and generous in their encouragement and hope for their two granddaughters.

Grammie used to marvel at the beauty of the Bird of Paradise. I never told her, but I thought they looked pointy, harsh, and mean. As an adult, I see them now and their spectacular color captures my attention, and I immediately remember Grammie and the way she oohed and awed while looking at these flowers.

Grammie was 91 years young when she died. She was remarkable.

AND Bird of Paradise seems to be a favorite on the coast; every couple of houses we see it blooming.

Good night from California's Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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