Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A Challenge...

There is an old man a man about my age who frequently gets the same bus, so he must live in the neighbourhood. He has a walking stick which is covered in bits of wool, bells, badges - all sorts of bits and pieces. And his coat is covered in badges. His head and shoulders are bowed and it seems a strain to look up and speak to people.

We have never spoken to each other, but the other day at the bus stop we exchanged pleasantries about the weather. I then said that he had a fine walking stick. He said that he’d always admired my hat...

Today I was at one bus stop and I saw him up the road, going to another bus stop. I changed my plan and arrived at the crossing with him. (This is NOT stalking… is it?)

We had a chat as we walked along. He has such a kind face. And a wee beard with long curly bits. I asked where he was heading, hoping he was going into town, but no, he was going to the doctor. We had a chat about pills. He keeps losing his. 'Keep ‘em in the fridge,' I advised.

He’s really interesting. I wonder what he did in his life. I think he’s been a scientist. Or a writer. I really want to get chatting to him. But more than that- I want to blip him, if he’s willing. A challenge.

I went on into town and had a wander. It was really really cold. This is the bus stop on the way home. The lady with the boots on had a stick with a green rubber top sticking out of her backpack (just visible in large). I was standing behind her, trying to figure out what and why. Perhaps she was a conductor. Or a one armed drummer. Eventually, Mrs Nosey Parker had to tap her and ask. It's more boring than I thought, so I won't bother telling you.

Off to watch the Good Wife this avo. It’s a wonder she doesn’t get the sack - she turns up LATE to every single meeting, and nobody says anything!

PS In a reply to a comment the other day, someone asked me for a link to a song about Lake Shasta, which I’d mentioned when she posted a shot of the mountain. I could hear it in my head, but could I think who sang it??
Then, mid-shower, it came to me - Mark Knopfler! Checked through the two country albums I have of his. No. Then it came to me again and here it is. Sorry, that person who asked, I just couldn’t find you again to reply personally.

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