
By BethAndCo

All better :-)

Had a wonderful day with Eva today. Love love loved it! Bar a slight sniffle, cough and gunky eyes, she's practically back to being all better and has been such a happy little bee today, which makes Mommy a very happy Mommy.

Again she slept through, and with me not having to wake her, she woke herself around 8.40 am. I was already all showered and dressed, so it meant I could spend time leisurely getting her ready and having lovely cuddles and milk and playing with her teddies in our bed (today's pic). Then breakfast downstairs, before setting off a bit late to stay and play at around 10.15am.

Eva had a lovely crawl at stay and play, enjoyed snack time, and loved song time at the end, as usual. There was a little baby called Ruby there, and Eva and her were kissing each other goodbye at the end. Me and Ruby's mom were stood up putting our coats on with our baby girls still sat on the big mat. We looked and there they were kissing each other lol. Eva Shepherd and my Eva also gave each other lots of kisses goodbye. Eva Shepherd gets cuter every time I see her, she makes me laugh so much.

Eva wanted to play with her toys at home when we got back, but it wasn't long before she was rubbing her eyes, so I took her up for milk and sleepies, and she slept for a whopping 3 hours!!! I went in to wake her up in the end as she just wasn't waking up! So at nursery her daytime sleeps average around 20-30 minutes long, yet first day back at home and she sleeps for 3 hours, despite sleeping through til 8.40 this morning. I hope she sleeps tonight lol.

My dad came round after Eva's late lunch, and came with us to Hobbycraft, as I wanted to get the card and envelopes for Eva's 1st birthday tea party invitations. I can't believe she will be a year old in just over 2 weeks time....

Eva had a lovely play with her toys again when we got back, and me and my dad had a coffee. I then did tea, and Mike bathed Eva while I tidied up, then she had a big long feed, lots of cuddles, a sneaky play with teddy for a few minutes, then she waved night night to teddy, and I carried her through to bed. She was fast asleep in bed for just after 8pm.

It's been wonderful to have my well, smiley, happy, funny baby girl all to myself today. Am so glad she's nearly all better xxx

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