
By lauramary

Day 43

I spent most of the day in bed, not in the best mood. The morning might not have been too bad, I can't remember. I tried to sleep in the afternoon. At least partly because I still wasn't feeling very well.

I was in a bit of a bad mood about things like the fact my group was meant to be helping tidy and wash up at bible study group. I couldn't be bothered to go. And there is a house inspection tomorrow which means I should tidy my room...

Anyway, at 4.30 I went to Lizzie's. I slumped in her chair, feeling rubbish. Lizzie was very nice and talked through some of the problems with me. I felt pretty tense/anxious the whole time still.

I cycled to bible study in a really black mood and arrived, close to tears. I felt quite alone, I wasn't sure how to keep going. I dithered over whether to stay: in the end I did but I somehow got let off any duties. My mind was taken off things somewhat.

Once I was home, things were not too bad but I felt very anxious and stressed, overwhelmed a bit maybe. Not sure...can't be bothered to write in much detail and also a bit worried I am being misleading...

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