We did it!

A few months ago we saw a very cheap house that needs a lot of work. Here's the Blip.

We agonized over this house for weeks. We put in a couple of offers and the seller was hot cold (it was her mother's house, been empty for 3 years). We walked away, we saw other properties, we came back to this one, we submitted more offers.

The problem came back to price. Always price. And this was the problem. It was listed so low that if we had passed on it, would we beat ourselves up in a few years "remember that house we didn't buy that was $xk?"

We decided that the answer was yes, sold a kidney each, raided every last thing we have, and bought the house. If we run out of food before rent day on the 1st February, we'll be down the food bank.

But we have this old house. And we are so pleased!

Every surface in this wonderful little house is peeling paint. Every surface. It'll have gallons of lead paint in it, so we'll be suited up when we get round to it, and it has lots of old rubbish furniture inside so it'll be interesting clearing it all and seeing what we did in fact buy - can't look any worse.

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