Hurricane Lamp

Day kinda got away from us today. Had to fix a tenant sink this morning - I have no idea how this sink hasn't leaked since the contractor or previous home owner put it together 7 years ago, but it's now done properly.

I was busting to get over to the new house today I have to admit. Want it cleared for a start. So we did. 3 loads of furniture into storage, one big bin filled up at the back of the house, rooms cleared, etc. Really good fun.

If you look at the previous blip you'll see the house. On the front porch are two metal railings holding up the front. They are both rotting away, but the one for concern was the one on the right.

If you look really carefully, the posts are not the same lengths. The right hand one is literally collapsing through rust at the bottom. So first thing today (especially as I hit it with my tailgate) was to replace it with a fence post. Quickly cut one to length, found it was too long (we couldn't get it under at an angle), so cut a second post shorter, knocked it into place, before putting the correct length one in.

As the shorter of the two posts took the load as we knocked it into place, the right hand metal railing actually fell out with no real prompting. The old bracket on the ground was so rusted we swept what was left of it out of the way.

The other railing is actually still in place for now, but I did cable tie a fence post within it, so if it did decide to crumble, the fence post will take the weight. I'll get it replaced when I find the sawzall again.

The rooms look so much better being empty. If someone had just mitigated this properly when it went on the market (emptied it of furniture and scraped the worst of the paint (10 mins!)) the house would have shown so much better and got a much better price than we paid. But they didn't. Our win.

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