Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Our friendship

Our friendship
is like a
cup of tea…
a special
blend of
you and me.


The courtyard outside the Red Cross. Just a quick snap shot trough the window after a full day. 1 1/2 hours slow start, but a nice time chatting with other volunteers. One I hadn't spoken to before and we share a common interest in languages. He's learnt Arabic at the university and speaks fluently. He also taken a course in Persian and told me a bit about that language. He told me the word for 'ok' and promised to look up another word that means 'good job'. That can be useful to know!
Then I got my hands full with teaching, helping a little girl, helping a woman who had questions, and trying to help another volunteer. Then one of the first younglings that I worked with came by and he looked happy, so that was a treat. I didn't have time to speak with him as much as I wanted, but I got to give him a couple of hugs. :)

Teaching a group of guys are not easy… but I had good help from one of them since I don't speak more then a few words of Arabic, and then of course my friend came to the rescue when I was lost for words. :) Lots of laughs and lots of languages as usual. I'm really surprised that the Spanish I learnt many, many (many, many, many) years ago slowly are surfacing...
Now an exciting cup of tea awaits. It's made with just sage and hot water, and according to my friend, it's good for many things. I hope it'll take away my headache…
I'm drinking it now and I must say it tastes really nice! :)

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