Chips, Curry Sauce & A Torrential Downpour

Day 25 of 365. Woken up VERY early this morning by an alarm going off. It turns out that the faulty carbon monoxide alarm we should have sent back to British Gas (but didn't, of course) decided to reactivate itself at the ungodly hour of 3.30 and no attempt to press a switch or dial would turn the bloody thing off! Eventually, after much more copious and, may I say, very fluent swearing we managed to find a screwdriver small enough to open the sodding thing and tear out the battery. Peace descended and the world of sleep was slowly reached again.
The rest of the day featured a run, the obligatory food shopping and a trip to the pub. On the way back me and my brother decided to stop for a bag of chips with curry sauce. By the time we reached the chippy it was blowing a hooley and absolutely chucking it down. Stupidly, we decided to make a run for it as home was only a few minutes away. In those few minutes we got drenched but, of course, by the time we reached the house it had stopped raining. We were so hungry we ate the chips while soaking wet - they tasted fantastic and disappeared in what seemed like thirty seconds! Ah, the joys of the British winter.

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