Ice, Ice, Baby

Our friends Irene and Andy arrived from Belgium today, just for an overnight stay as Irene and I were going to see Robin Cousins on Ice with Barbs. They arrived about 2pm and we headed into town where we had a lovely Indian meal, and then had a wander around North Laine before leaving the boys to go and meet Barbs and her lovely daughter Meg.

We had really good rink side seats, however it was a little disappointing as it was advertised as Robin Cousin's Ice, and yet he wasn't present! The show was very good with world class skaters, but they've obviously used his name for promotional purposes, and it was advertised as a two hour show but finished 15 minutes early and had a 20 minute interval. Despite that, we had a lovely time, and I got some good photos - hope you like this one which makes me think of this...

Anyway, it's late and we're off to bed, so I'll say goodnight xx

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