From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A Stratford on Avon Burns Night

I am the luckiest person in the world, definitely!

It was a marvellous night but there is just too much to tell you. To have such wonderful Edinburgh friends who came all the way down here in honour of David's half century birthday, I am fortunate indeed. I chose this picture mainly because I'm not in it! Frank's not in it either as he sensibly went home after the wonderful curry in Thespians. The rest of us decided to visit another couple of places and call in at The Garrick before having a final jar back at the hotel.

Sadly, Lesley and Eric had to fly home to Edinburgh on Saturday morning but they were with us in spirit the whole time. Their ears would have been burning!

Special thanks go to Frank who was a marvellous tour guide.

Pictured from left to right are Cheryl, a man we don't know at all(!!!), Shev, Duncan and of course the birthday boy with his inflatable zimmer frame!

Track? A tribute to the weather - It's Raining Again!

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