Newport Rhode Island

We are not docked, so have to be tendered ashore. It was a cold trip as I sat on the open deck on top, but I had borrowed Brian’s big fleece and outer jacket, so survived!!

I went ashore alone, and as it was before lunch grabbed a couple of cappuccinos and some doughnuts “to go” to eat with Brian in our cabin before leaving.

When ashore I had a wander along the main street to do some shopping, then joined the group to do the short coastal walk and see round “The Breakers” which is one of the summer cottages once owned by the Vanderbilts.

These mansions are spectacular. You are not allowed to take photographs inside so I’ve attached this link to give you a flavour of what was on offer.

More pictures.

Weather at Noon – 7 degrees C/ 45 F
Wind force 6

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