
By todayoutof10

More or less...

A last minute overnight in an hotel saw us heading for Pitlochry this afternoon. Wandering up the High Street to take in the sights and sounds, the outlook was too dreary for me to find a nice blip.

The shop windows were full of tartan, tweed, and sale signs. I'm sure I'm not alone in enjoying shopping the sales. And justifying the purchase of things I don't need, because they were a bargain...

Looking at the poster, I found my mind wandering to a fascinating woman I'd heard speaking about change. That subject I'm sure I'm not alone in being nervous of.

How do we change? How do we even approach change? How do we become better? She broke it down sensibly and practically. She said if we ask ourselves two simple questions, all should become clear.

What do I want to do more of?

What do I want to do less of?

Some of those answers were there, waiting for me. And I feel better already.

Why don't you try these two questions next time you're approaching change.

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