Roll on Summer!

A day of minor irritants rather than disasters. A problem with the electrics has meant that we've been without the our main lighting circuit, on what seemed like the darkest morning on record, so it's been all lamps. Like many out there I've been doing the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. My total for the hour was 17 sparrows. I shall be doing my slightly smaller BTO garden birdwatch, tomorrow, (I do this every day), and will doubtless see loads. I made a fruit loaf, which I slightly undercooked so it's edible but not brilliant.
Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to comment about my comment break. A week or two, and I'm sure I'll be back on track. I shall aim to keep going with a daily blip, even if it's just an item from the house, like this dragonfly which hangs in the porch - a reminder that there will be a Spring and Summer at some point.

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