Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Shock Horror!

I've been busy today, I've sorted out funeral arrangements along with catering etc for afterwards, I even took a walk round the shops to look for a suitable outfit for a funeral, hard for me as I wear a uniform all day and then I keep Levi jeans in business, but after five minutes I came away thinking I can't so this looking for clothing for my dads funeral, ill try again soon .

I've been surprised by the reaction of the dogs but mainly Kanga, She's a very odd dog, a little wild and scary.

I went off to bed last night and I broke down, next minute I felt a presence sitting at the side of me and suddenly licking my face I thought it was Roo but no it was Kanga, she's been at my side a lot and I've had plenty of cuddles from her.

I know she will never be a PAT dog like my other three but she's certainly helped me.

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