Peachie's Pics

By Peachie


"So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding." 1 Corinthians 14:15

Today I collected a new CD from the post office that was delivered yesterday but no one was in. It is the new English version of an Icelandic artist Ásgeir Trausti. It is very nice relaxing music, and very clever music at the same time. We went and saw him play live in Bristol at the end of last year, and he was very good. Inspiring music.

There are so many verses I could have chosen for music, but I chose this one as when I found it I had a read of this chapter and it has some good points about worship and speaking in tongues. I would encourage you to read it too. This verse in particular talks about singing and praying with your spirit, but also using your mind, to understand what it is you are singing or praying. It is very easy to use phrases that we commonly hear and not really think about what it is we are saying. It does appear at first glance that this chapter is against speaking in tongues, but when read in context, this is not the case.

I also like the part at the end of the chapter that talks about prophesying causing unbelievers to be convicted and describes them in effect becoming a Christian, I think it is easy in Church to try and make our services friendly to those who don't believe, and while it is always good to make people feel at ease, at the same time, God has brought them to a place where they are stepping foot in Church, they will be looking for something that will touch them and convict them to give their lives to God. I think the verse at the end of this chapter gives us permission and even encourages us not to change our services to fit those who do not yet believe.

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