An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore


So many bees! I took images of five different native bees today. I liked this one best, because I haven't seen it before and it has unusual red eyes. It is some sort of megachile (leaf cutter and resin bees) and I have posted it on BowerBird to hopefully get it identified. Excellent site!

So, I am back with the Nikon5000 – the camera shop's loan camera, while mine is off being fixed. I did ask if they could also lend me a macro lens... unfortunately not, so this is with the kit lens and involved a LOT of cropping in. It's a bit frustrating how far away the closest focus point is! But it doesn't do too bad a job, considering it's an all purpose lens.

First child back at school today, the other tomorrow. The holidays just fly by.

Bigger red eye

It's a Megachile Eutricharaea maculariformis

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