Some things I learned today:
1. The best things come to those who wait. This sunset over Edinburgh was looking like it was going to develop nicely. Unfortunately Katherine was unforgivably naughty (I know, she's not a naughty child, she just did a naughty thing - but honestly, you didn't see what she was like) so she had to be walked straight home. When you've uttered the "if you do that again we'll go straight home" line, you can't then add "oh, I meant after we've watched the rest of the sunset so I can take some more photos". So off we went. This shot was taken at the bottom of the hill 10 minutes later. That sky from the top of the hill would have been really something.
2. Parent Council meeting at school tonight. Traditionally I find these quite hard-going. There's always a lot of BS floating about. Most of the agenda items were things I had put on but, as I'm still learning from the Arun Gandhi evening, I was calm, polite and didn't punch anyone. I'm not sure I got anywhere, but I am left with a zen feeling of calm.
3. Resisting chocolate and sweeties when you spend most of the day baking is tough. An iron will was needed today. I have, however, succumbed to a wee glass of Fitou. And I did nibble a tiny bit of fudge out of the pan earlier... After my restraint today, I'm sure I'll have lost at least a stone by tomorrow.
(Optimism, non-violence and no ranting. It's a whole new me. A smaller one. And it won't last.)
Edit: If above link isn't working try this one.
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