As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

February First Is Tomorrow

It's 3:00 in the morning and I just finished working. I took this selfie 5 hours ago. What.

School is insignificant. Science Olympiad above all. AP Gov was fun because we only had 7 kids and our class is only 11. Some Chinese girls came into Italian to talk to us about life in China. Cool. Three periods of SciOly. Confusing class. Calc, band, SciOly.

Chem office turned turn-up room. Podiatrist with Max. More work. Stress. Kicked out at 10:00 by mean custodian woman. Work continued at KP's. Stayed till just after 1:00. Came home, worked until 3:00. Sheets are perfect. Ready for tomorrow. (Today)

Time for a two and a half hour nap.

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