
By Fisherking the morning......

Sorry for not blipping the last two days....sheer exhaustion took over both evenings.

When I woke up this morning at 4.30.....yes, was raining. I went back to bed at 6.00 and managed another hour....and when I went downstairs to go meet the boys this is what greeted me....weird frost patterns on the conservatory roof.

The sky was blue....the Sun was shining...and the day has steadily gone down hill....the weather turned wild, wet and windy....the bloody Welsh scraped a win at Rugby....United battered Stoke and lost to a hugely deflected goal and a hugely wind assisted one....and England lost to France thanks to a couple of lucky bounces.

Tonight I have spent 3 and a half hours marking exam papers....and I have come up with three explanations for the relatively poor performance of my students.......
1. Kids don't read exam questions properly
2. Kids don't revise for exams properly
3. Since Christmas I have been speaking a mixture of Serbo-Croat and Swahili which my students don't understand.

I'm pretty sure 3 is not true so I'm betting on either 1 or 2.....or maybe a combination of 1 and 2.

Either way there will be repercussions on Monday.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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