Early Rise

Yes it was. The Bossess wanted a walk before work and I am always a starter for that. The Boss in photo mode is always a starter for that and the bloke with the fishing gear was too but didn’t get any action while we were watching AND I was forbidden to go check him out ‘Cos The Boss said he was a hazard with fishing hooks and other stuff. Disappointing I thought as I love meeting new folk and he might have had a treat in his pocket.

There was a mini Blip meet today and I didn’t get to that either. The Boss met Mario and Mrs Puff, with Mumma Hen and Snow down under. Dig photogroup folk, Karin and Joselyn joined in. Earlier and before the coffee meeting Mario had a close encounter of the other kind with 27,000,000,000 sandflies who all admired his tent and were looking for blood. I think they found some. The Boss found some too when he pushed his way down a hill to get a better composition and removed some skin off his leg. Blood all round today.

Morning walks are grrreat but they do have quite a troubling side effect. By the evening I seem to have forgotten I have been out so I start practising my “intense look” with the Boss who is of course easily fooled and immediately relents and takes me out again…..NOT.

Cast off?

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